Product Catalog

Twin Specialties' quenching oils provide a uniform and fast quench for manufactured components without distortion. They are formulated to maintain cleanlines over extended periods of use.

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Item #

Item Name

Package Type


Viscosity at 40ºC

Viscosity at 100 ºF, SUS

Flash Point

N/A 55 gal. Twin Quench Supreme Quenching Oil N/A Drum N/A 55 gal N/A N/A 86.2 SUS N/A 379 ºF
N/A 330 gal Castrol Performance Bio QF 1 Biodegradable Metalworking Fluids N/A Tote N/A 330 gal N/A 39 cSt N/A N/A 635 ºF335 ºC
N/A 55 gal Castrol Iloquench 32 Quenching Oil N/A Drum N/A 55 gal N/A 22 cSt N/A N/A > 180 ºC
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