Product Catalog
DRYDENE VERSOLMAG™ XE is a non-chlorinated, soluble oil designed to deliver superior emulsion stability in demanding machining applications of magnesium, aluminum, aluminum alloys and ferrous metals. The biostable formula contains specialized additives to prevent product contamination as well as improve emulsion stability when used with very hard water.
Unit of Measure


Package Type

N/A Drum

Concentrate Appearance

N/A Clear, Light Straw Liquid


N/A Characteristic

Specific Gravity at 60ºF (15.6ºC)

N/A 0.928

pH at 10:1 Ratio

N/A 9.2 pH

Viscosity at 40ºC

N/A min. 45 cSt



N/A DRYDENE VERSOLMAG XE is a versatile metalworking fluid that provides excellent wetting and cooling properties for cutting, sawing, turning, grinding, milling and other general machining processes of the following metal types:
  • Magnesium*
  • Aluminum
  • Aluminum castings
  • Polished aluminum
  • Ferrous metals
*Many magnesium machining operations require a minimum of 8% to properly coat chips in order to reduce the chance of fire

Recommended Concentrations

All Sawing

N/A 5 to 10 %

General Machining

N/A 5 to 10 %


N/A 5 to 10 %


N/A 5 to 10 %

Milling, Drilling, and Turning

N/A 2.5 to 10 %

Features and Benefits

Features and Benefits

N/A DRYDENE VERSOLMAG XE exhibits exceptional emulsion centrifuge stability up to 15,000 RPM at 500ppm calcium hardness and maintains its ability to protect surfaces from corrosion.
  • Biostable formula is resistant to chemical degradation and not additive dependent even during prolonged storage periods
  • Maintains fluidity during heavy use and will not gum up or foul ways and tool holders
  • Effective control of built-up edge in turning operations which helps extend tool life and improve surface finishes
  • Non-irritating/Non-toxic formula (when used as intended) makes Versolmag XE safe and mild for machine operators
  • Free of: chlorine and sulfur